FocusTrack 1.024

FocusTrack 1.024, released November 2nd 2005, includes a host of new features for both focus plotting moving lights and keeping track of how the lights are used from night to night.

RigTrack Lamp Management

• FocusTrack can now operate in Demo mode, allowing you to try it for yourself. Enter 'Demo' as the name, organisation and registration code. It will run in Demo mode for 14 days and there are some limitations as to what you can do (no printing, maximum of 50 lamp focus records), but why not give it a go?

• FocusTrack's RigTrack rig management module can store lamp type, lamp hours and lamp change information for the rig, automatically warning when discharge lamps are due to be changed. RigTrack can also store a copy of the lighting plan and moving light plan, and can store focus photographs for conventional lights, turning lights on and keeping track of which have been photographed as FocusTrack does for moving lights.

• RigTrack can import the show patch from a Strand console (including often overlooked details like reversed pan/tilt); it can merge this information with other rig data entered manually (including critical moving light information such as unit orientation) or imported from Lightwright to give a complete record of the lighting rig that can be used to examine how things are used - for example, to quickly find out which colours are actually used in the scrollers!

• RigTrack can import the show patch from a Strand console (including often overlooked details like reversed pan/tilt); it can merge this information with other rig data entered manually (including critical moving light information such as unit orientation) or imported from Lightwright to give a complete record of the lighting rig that can be used to examine how things are used - for example, to quickly find out which colours are actually used in the scrollers!

• FocusTrack can store performance photographs of each cue, showing these alongside focus photographs of moving lights so that the light's use can be seen in context.

• FocusTrack has a new Utilities menu, simplifying some common tasks.

• New options for cuesheet printout, including a pictorial cuesheet.

• Improvements to the way FocusTrack controls Strand consoles via xConnect.

Why not try it for yourself?