Making Tracks
collection of thoughts, some only loosely related to
Cameras, Olympics And All That!
August 2016 - Rob
For a FocusTrack photo shoot, one camera is usually
Sometimes, one camera is just not enough - like
in Rio, right now!
And best wishes to everyone out there right now
poised and ready to give us the Opening Ceremony!
New Tracks - FocusTrack 2.376, SpotTrack 1.46
April 2016 - Rob
There are new versions of both FocusTrack and
SpotTrack available now.
The FocusTrack update allows FocusTrack to bring the
‘Cue Info’ field from the grandMA2 into
FocusTrack’s Cue List, after the lovely people
at The House of Dancing Water in Macau
pointed out that it didn’t. Sorry about that.
Fixed now. It also fixes an issue with importing
grandMA2 patch addresses that had cropped up with
recent gMA2 software releases.
The SpotTrack fixes some slowdowns that had cropped
up recently, related to the ‘level
tracking’ lines option that displays a bar
through a cue sheet whenever a particular spot is on.
That option has been in SpotTrack for a while, but
for some reason it suddenly seemed to be causing
massive slowdowns on the current version of MacOS, El
Capitan. Some ‘under the hood’
optimisation has been carried out to make this
problem. go away, and performance is much better as a
At the same time, we’ve added a third charity
choice to SpotTrack: you can now opt for it to
support Behind The Scenes in the US or Light Relief
in the UK as always, but also Behind The Scenes in
the UK.
Both updates are available via the websites as usual.
Download FocusTrack »
Download SpotTrack »
Farewell, Billy
April 2016 - Rob
farewell, then, to Billy Elliot London, which
finished its run at the Victoria Palace Theatre on
April 9th after almost eleven years and around
4600 performances. That’s quite a run.
It’s hard to believe that ten years have
flown by so quickly. By the sounds of it, the show
got the wonderful send-off it fully deserved at
it’s final performance.
It’s also prompted a memory that Billy
was an early adopter of FocusTrack, putting it to use
to document Rick Fisher’s lighting for
the London production, and then to transfer
information about the show to subsequent
productions in Australia, New York, touring
around the US, in Korea and in Holland. The show
was also an early adopter of our followspot
management software SpotTrack, which has also since
been used on the show’s many productions.
The show hasn’t vanished, of course: it’s
now out on tour around the UK, FocusTrack
once again providing the precise record of the
show’s lighting allowing it to be
re-created at every venue it visits.
Now, if Billy is eleven years old and
FocusTrack was around before Billy, that
somehow means that FocusTrack is also more than a
decade old. More thoughts on that soon...
New Version - 2.371
February 2016 - Rob
There’s a new version of FocusTrack on the
website now - 2.371.
As usual, it can be downloaded here, and full details of
the changes can be found here. But, to summarise,
the main change is a new option that allows show
data to be imported from Lightwright into
RigTrack while preserving the information
(particularly the patch information) that
FocusTrack has already brought in from the
console, and so which is likely to be more
accurate than the information in LW since
it’s what the console is actually using to
drive the rig.
You’ve actually always been able to do this in
RigTrack, by using the ‘Manual Merge’
option and choosing which information from LW you did
or didn’t want to import. The new option just
makes it quicker and easier to do this common task
that you do during production while working with
electricians still using Lightwright.
Remember, you can just keep, and manage, all of the
information about your rig in RigTrack, with the
advantage that you can quickly update its patch
information from the console rather than having to
manage keeping information up-to-date in multiple
places. And if you are working in a mixed
RigTrack/Lightwright environment, don’t forget
you can use RigTrack’s powerful ‘Compare
to Lightwright’ functions to quickly identify
where a Lightwright file is out of sync with a
RigTrack file (and, since much of the data in
RigTrack has come from the console, so likely out of
sync with the showfile and so the actual rig).
All of these options are under RigTrack’s
Import menu. If you haven’t discovered them
yet, take a look...
Quirky New Settings
November 2015 - Rob
It’s frustrating when things stop
working... believe me, it’s much more so when
it’s your own product that stops working when
you’re trying to use it on a show!
But it’s frustrating and weird when things only
stop working sometimes!
This was the case on a show recently when using
FocusTrack to control an Eos to turn on lights in
focuses to be photographed - a think I’ve done
many times before, and had tested - and had actually
had to fix, to deal with the new keyboard shortcuts
introduced with Eos v2.3 - on the same software
version using the off-line editor away from the
theatre. So I knew it worked... only there, in the
theatre, it didn’t.
But when I got home and tested it again, it worked...
My first thought was that something different was
happening when ETC’s Client (or
‘Nomad’ as it’s now called)
software was used in Client mode vs Off-line mode -
the machine in the theatre was running as a Client,
the machine at home as an Off-Line.
Eventually I realised that there was another
difference: using my laptop in the theatre, a desktop
machine at home. That wasn’t the cause, but it
meant that each was running it’s own version of
the Eos software, and (by chance accident) another
new, slightly hidden setting in Eos: in the Shell on
the Client, go to Settings and you’ll see an
option called ‘Use Shift key as Eos
shift’. This governs whether your
laptop’s shift key behaves as the Eos shift
(checked), or the older behaviour where the s- key
behaves as Eos shift.
FocusTrack was using s- as shift; on the laptop that
option was checked, so things weren’t working
properly. On the desktop, that option was unchecked,
so things were fine. Uncheck that option on the
laptop and all worked fine again.
Eventually, a matching setting will appear in
FocusTrack. For now, though, if you’re using
FocusTrack to control an Eos, please make sure that
‘Use Shift key as Eos Shift’ is unchecked
on the Eos to let things work as they should.
The Death Of The CD
September 2015 - Rob
My traditional marker that I’ve reached
the end of a show has been burning the final show
‘paperwork’ CD-Rs (or, on really big
shows, DVD-Rs) with the FocusTrack data and
associated pictures. These discs have provided a
real, solid ’thing’ you can hand over to
the running crew of a show, nicely packaged in a
jewel case - FocusTrack can even print the CD labels
and jewel case front and back inserts for you.
(Before you ask: it’s been a long time since
I’ve actually distributed this
‘paperwork’ on paper).
But if you’ve bought a new computer recently,
you’ll know that another technological shift is
being put upon us: many of these new computers no
longer include any kind of optical disc drive,
sacrificed in the cause of reduced thickness and
weight. So it feels like a new way is required for
distributing that final paperwork.
One obvious approach is to put it all on-line
somewhere, in Dropbox or a similar file-sharing
service. That works fine, except that a typical
musical might have 1500 or more focus pictures, plus
maybe another 400 cue pictures, and that quite
quickly adds up to quite a chunk of data, especially
if you’re trying to download it on a slow
connection in a theatre.
It also doesn’t have quite that feeling of
‘finality’ - here’s the
information, now you have it, job done.
For the last couple of shows, I’ve been using
USB keys instead of CDs or DVDs. It works fine, once
you accept that it’s a little more expensive
than a blank CD even when you hunt down the cheapest
USB keys you can find. Plus one other caution: CDs
can’t be changed, so they’re quite good
as a permnent archive, one you can always get back to
even if you mess up the version you’d copied
onto your computer. USB keys can be changed, so (as
ever) keep a backup!
What I haven’t found is any nice packaging,
analogous to the CD case, for these. Without
packaging there isn’t really any elegant way of
labelling these devices.
On Bend It Like Beckham I had an idea, and a
quick trip to the nearest corner shop provided the
tools: key ring tags. A little messing around then
produced what I think are quite neat little labels,
and this is how the final show paperwork was
These new labels haven’t made it in as a
FocusTrack feature yet, but maybe soon...
New Version Available Now
September 2015 - Rob
There’s a new version of FocusTrack available
now: 2.368. You can find the download links here.
This version is mainly about keeping up with new
console software releases.
For Eos users, it makes FocusTrack’s console
control functionality work with Eos v2.3 and later.
For grandMA2 users, it fixes some import issues that
had appeared with recent v3 gMA2 software releases.
As usual, there are a host of other little bug fixes
and additions. You can find the full list of changes
FocusTrack Assistant
March 2015 - Rob
I had a helper when taking the focus photos for
Beautiful in London last week, my four (and
a half!) year old daughter Emily.
Since around our house FocusTrack is also known as
our kids’ ‘college fund track’,
this was strangely appropriate! And she had a great
Thanks for supporting collegefundtrack...
Beautiful, London »
PowerTrack In Action - And In The Press
December 2014 - Rob
FocusTrack’s PowerTrack function has
been in the software for a few years now. The
function takes all of the data FocusTrack can
collect - the wattage of each fixture in the
rig, the level each light comes on to in each
cue, the time each cue is on stage for - and
uses that to calculate both the moment-by-moment
power consumption, the peak load during the
show, and the overall power consumption of the
Being calculations, these are not and can not be
‘perfect’ results, but they will
certainly be very much in the right ballpark, and so
a useful guide as to the amount of power a
show’s lighting actually consumes.
This is particularly useful as attempts are made to
make stage lighting the scapegoat or villain when it
comes to power usage by the ‘frivolous’
world of entertainment.
The most comprehensive user of PowerTrack so for has
been a study carried out by Katie Oman, at the time
of the theatre consultants Fisher Dachs, for the Seattle Rep. The company was
curious as to how much power stage lighting was
actually using - not the total load of a rig,
but what actually got used. This is important
when specifying a new building as bigger mains
supplies cost more money; this is always an area
where new theatres and their consultants have
traditionally just had to make an (educated!)
guess. The Rep was also curious as to whether
switching to LED lighting fixtures would be a
worthwhile investment - whether the power
savings would cover the extra cost of these new
The study took in an entire season of shows. The
graph above, one colour per production showing load
(y-axis) against time during a performance (x-axis),
makes fascinating reading.
At even just a glance it’s clear that the
difference between shows is enormous. The lowest line
is for the play Red - which, having been
involved in a production of the play, I know will
never be a ‘bright’ show. It’s also
interesting how, if you know the show, you can follow
its progress from scene to scene by following the
power graph. And how the bright curtain call state is
consistent from show to show!
The highest lines all turn out to be shows using
cycloramas, lit with tungsten fixtures, often in dark
colours. If you were going to switch to lower-power
LED fixtures, it feels like the cyc lights would be a
good place to start.
Katie’s study was first published in the
Protocol journal earlier in the year. It has
just been re-printed in the current issue of
Lighting & Sound America magazine - you
can find that issue online here, though you might have to
register to be able to read it.
It is well worth a read. I don’t want to give
away the details, though many of the results are
surprising - and suffice to say that stage lighting
is not, in fact, the villain when it comes to the
entertainment industry’s overall power
Read the article in L&SA »
PowerTrack »
Just Sayin’....
November 2014 - Rob
Billy Elliot Holland focus plotting
Entire show - conventionals and movers - focus
plotted in 3.5 hours. Started taking pictures at
8.25am. Finished at 11.35am. 1653 shots in
3hrs25mins, which is 8shots/min or one shot every 7.5
seconds. And that was including the sixteen changes
of scenery on-stage.
High speed focus plotting. That’s the
FocusTrack way. Just saying...
A Little Bit of Lighting History
October 2014 - Rob
So... I’ve got caught up in a
little history project. It’s called the
Backstage Heritage Collection.
I’ve always been interested in the history of
the technology we use. The most obvious manifestation
of this is the Classic Gear column that I write
for Lighting&Sound International
magazine each month. But it goes deeper than
that. It will not surprise you at all to learn
that I’m particularly interested in
lighting consoles and how they’ve evolved
over time - and in particular how today’s
consoles, with the near-infinite processing
power and memory they have, sometimes have lost
useful facilities that earlier control systems
All of these worlds collided earlier in the year. I
was involved in a mass of email discussions amongst a
host of former Strand engineers, the team who’d
designed and built the company’s memory
consoles from the late 1960s, MMS and, in particular,
the remarkable Lightboard (or the “Total
Control System” as it was known
internally) created for the National Theatre - a
product that’s been a bit of an obsession
of mine for a long time. Martin Moore,
Strand’s head engineer from the period,
was asking the group questions about the
company’s history, ad the answers were
fascinating. At the same time I was talking to
Jim Laws, the closest thing we have in this
country to an official lighting historian, about
various items in his vast collection of historic
lighting equipment (if you’ve never been
to visit, you should!) Then an email appeared
from Jason Williams.
Jason started collecting memory lighting consoles
more than a decade ago, with the intention of forming
a National Exhibition of Entertainment Technologly -
NEET. He showed bits of the collection at PLASA a few
times in around 2005/2006, but ultimately he
couldn’t gather the support he needed. The
collection stayed in storage until this year, when
Jason decided he didn’t want to be its guardian
any more. But what was to happen to it?
Many conversations ensued, followed by a group lunch
hosted by Jim Laws (FocusTrack bought lunch - so in
fact all you FocusTrack users are indirectly part of
this, too!). Out of that, the idea of the Backstage
Heritage Collection was born.
In an ideal world, we’d be opening a museum - a
real place where people could come and play with real
items, lanterns and lighting desks and any other
piece of backstage technology we could gather. But I
think we all accept that in the real world
that’s probably an unobtainable goal.
Instead the plan is to create a ‘virtual’
museum: for any object we find, to document it
thoroughly, gathering together really good pictures
of the item as it is now with archive material -
brochures, design documents and the like - and
memories we can gather from the people who designed
the product and used the product. Even if you have
historic products you want to keep, Backstage
Heritage would love to have them on this website, so
it becomes a collection of collections.
Beyond that, it’s to create a distributed
museum: to find people willing to give items a home.
That might be a rental company looking for an
interesting foyer display, or a lighting manufacturer
looking to showcase their history, or a drama college
looking to study how lighting has evolved over the
years, or even a theatre that wants to display some
of their history - except they threw their own
version of that history in a skip years ago. Think of
it as a lonely lights dating agency, or a lighting
lending library.
The first set of items, some of the NEET collection,
has already found a home - it’s at the rental
company White Light in south London.
There you can now go see everything from the
1971 Strand IDM memory control from the New
London theatre to some big Avo, Celco, Thorn and
Zero88 rock desks to a Berkey console to
Strand’s later Duet, M24, LightboardM,
Gemini and Galaxy. Apparently they’ve
attracted a lot of attention in the few short
weeks they’ve been there. Some Backstage
Heritage items, the famous ‘sawn in
half’ spotlights Strand had at their King
Street theatre and which you’ve probably
seen pictures of in lighting text books, will be
on show at the PLASA Show in London next week,
helping Strand mark their centenary.
PLASA will also mark the official introduction of
Backstage Heritage to the world, at mid-day on the
opening Sunday (October 5th) on the Theatres Trust TheatresStage,
stand R40. If you’re going to be there on
that day, it would be lovely to see you there.
Particularly if you have a stash of really
interesting historic lights or control consoles
hidden away in a theatre that you’ve been
wondering what to do with...
(As a follow up, I’ll be part of a panel on the
past, present and future of lighting control later
that afternoon along with a bunch of really
interesting people - Richard Pilbrow, Robert Bell,
Jim Laws and Neil Austin; it should make for an
interesting discussion!)
Backstage Heritage Collection »
Congratulations, Tony Nominees
April 2014 - Rob
to Paule Constable, Jane Cox, Natasha Katz,
Japhy Weideman, Kevin Adams, Chris Akerlind,
Howell Binkley and Don Holder - this
year’s best lighting design Tony Award
nominees in New York.
At least two of the nominated shows (Kevin
Adams’ Hedwig and the Angry Inch and
Don Holder’s The Bridges of Madison
County) are FocusTrack users, with FocusTrack
also in use on a number of other Broadway shows,
including the revival of Cabaret, Rodgers
and Hammerstein’s Cinderella and one
of my favourite ever musicals, Once.
Full list of nominees »
For Those Who Are Paranoid And/Or Really Care About
Their Data
February 2014 - Rob
It’s alarming the extent to which we all now
rely on the data stored on our computers - and more
alarming how little thought we give to this until
something goes wrong.
Particularly since things do go wrong - given how
fragile a traditional hard drive now is (a
fast-spinning disc with a tiny read/write head
moving across it, floating just above it - and
now often in a laptop that is being moved or
jostled around) it’s actually surprising
that things don’t go wrong more often.
(Newer solid state hard drives - SSDs - remove some of the risks,
but they can fail in new and interesting ways).
If you rely on your data, whether for work or just
because all the photos of your kids from age 0 on up
are now digital, you need to thing about a backup
That sounds very grand - but it has to be a strategy
rather than just ‘backing up every now and
again’ because once you set it up, it has to
happen automatically and reliably. If it
doesn’t work like that, trust me, you’ll
just never do it.
You also have to think carefully about what
you’re trying to protect yourself from. Data
loss, obviously - so, simple, back up your computer
to some kind of hard drive at home in case it gets
stolen or suffers under a coffee deluge. And
don’t forget that data loss includes files
you’ve deleted or changed accidentally.
Then consider happens if that hard drive fails? What
happens if your house gets flooded or burgled and the
computer and hard drive are both lost. Then you might
wish you’d backed up to another hard drive
stored somewhere else, or even to an on-line service
that keeps all of your data ‘in the
cloud’, safely away from what seems to be an
ever-rising tide of water here in the UK at the
And the best strategy might be a combination of all
of the above - something like the Mac’s
built-in Time Machine backing up to a
dual-drive RAID array at home (so
you’re data is automatically mirrored to
two physical hard drives, protecting you from
drive failure - and with this happening via a
local connection it will be fast) coupled with
the kind of service offered by Crashplan or Backblaze that back up your data
online automatically whenever they can - so
it’s away from any physical location, can
be recovered from any physical location, and
will happen even if you’re not at home
that often, as so many of us aren’t.
The trouble is, once you start looking at this,
it’s easy to get completely carried away. If
you’re hading in that direction I can heartily
recommend the report produced by the people at
Backblaze analysing the reliability over time of
different brands of hard drive in their backup
fleet. It makes for some great bed-time
Backblaze hard drive report
Now With WYSIWYG Import...
January 2014 - Rob
So, a WYSIWYG user started using
FocusTrack. Quite reasonably, he asked whether
it was possible to import data from WYG in the
same way it is possible to import data
from Lightwright.
It wasn’t. But, after a little bit of work, it
now is.
You’ll find two new buttons in the RigTrack
Import screen. In WYG you need to go to the Data view
and go File > Export to create an Excel file of
WYG data. Then in RigTrack press WYSIWYG Full and
chose the Excel file; the information will be sucked
into RigTrack. If you want more control, WYSIWYG
Merge lets you choose which fields get imported and
which RigTrack fields they get mapped to.
If you use the Spot and Channel fields in WYG to
differentiate between moving lights and conventional
lights, RigTrack will do the same thing; if you have
FocusTrack set to grandMA import, it will tag moving
lights with the ‘fixture’ identifier so
that they then correctly match any information you
import from the console.
Thanks, Gonzalo, for encouraging us to do this.
It’s in FocusTrack 2.356, available to download now.
It’s Called Show BUSINESS...
January 2014 - Rob
Interesting infographic for anyone
interested in the business side as well as the art
side of showbiz:
The Cost Of Shows On Broadway And In
London »
30 Years Today
January 2014 - Rob
you’re not an Apple fan or a full-on
computer nerd, you might not have realised that
today is the 30th anniversary of the launch of
the original Apple Macintosh
It’s hard to remember now what a revolution
this was: the Mac was nothing like the standard
computers of the time, which ran text-based operating
systems like DOS and only responded to arcane typed
commands. It wasn’t even really like the
experimental machine that provided the inspiration
for it, the Xerox Alto, since it introduced
concepts like movable, resizable windows that
Alto didn’t have. The radical, innovative
software was wrapped up in an equally, radical
case, small enough to pick up and carry around
and featuring the then-new 3.5” floppy
I’d been fascinated by the predecessor to the
Mac, Apple’s Lisa, ever since reading one of
the most in-depth reviews of a product
I’ve ever seen in an issue of Personal Computer World
magazine. What they were describing was such a
radically different way of dealing with a computer
from anything I was used to - yet it just seem
so... obvious. That, in part, has always been a
defining feature of Apple’s genius - that
something radically new and different just
immediately feels obvious and right. That’s
probably also why my three year old has been
merrily using an iPad since before she could walk.
It was a while before I actually got my hands on a
Mac, but the experience was revelatory. Turn the Mac
on and it played a friendly beep then launched
straight into a friendly, intuitive graphical
interface that just encouraged you to play with it.
Once you tried it, it was hard to go back to anything
else - it just felt so right, so ‘human’,
compared to everything else. Not everyone knows this,
but I did a ‘proper’ three year degree in
computer science before launching into the world of
theatre, using all sorts of serious hardware - but
really all I ever wanted was a Mac.
I got one, eventually. A Mac Classic II, the early-90s
successor to the original Mac using pretty much
the same case design. Since this was the days
before laptops were commonplace/affordable, I
toured this around the country for two years -
it fitted very nicely in the boot of the car. It
sits on a shelf in my office to this day. Maybe
today’s the day to turn it on, to let it
celebrate its anniversary.
I use Macs to this day; they just make sense, in a
way Windows machines don’t, and are reliable
and long-lived workhorses, in a way Windows machines
aren’t. They also provide all manner of
enabling tools built in - that FocusTrack can control
your lighting console on a Mac but not on a PC is
entirely down to this generosity of spirit of Apple.
Apple, unsurprisingly, have made a great tribute to
the Mac, here »
And one of the original Mac engineers, Andy
Hertzfeld, has long had a great website that collects
together the ‘war stories’ of the team
that brought the machine to life (all the more
remarkable when you consider the limitations of the
hardware). Sidenote: the signatures of those team
members are moulded into the inside of the case of
the original Mac. The website is well worth a look,
here ».
Plus, just for fun, repair site iFixit have done one
of their famous tear-downs on the original Mac,
here »
In Memorium
January 2014 - Rob
to do with FocusTrack, but just to note the
passing of my friend and - though he’d
never have used the word - mentor, Kevin
Kevin was the lighting designer when I joined the
National Youth Theatre way back
when, and put up with a kid who thought he knew
more than he actually did with good grace, good
humour and a hefty dose of sarcasm. We got on,
worked together on a lot of shows when I was at
the NYT; after that he gave me my first real
theatre job, touring with the English Shakespeare Company,
which saw us travel the world together. Without
all of that, I probably wouldn’t be doing
what I do now (so I guess, indirectly, it is
something to do with FocusTrack).
Though latterly he worked at AC Lighting, having
realised that meant he got to go home and see his
family on at least most nights, he was a brilliant
touring electrician and a really brilliant lighting
designer. Murder in the Cathedral, which he
lit for the NYT in Edinburgh and then Moscow, remains
one of the most beautiful shows I’ve ever seen.
He was just fifty-three when he died on new
year’s eve, far too young by any measure, far
far too young when you have a wife and children.
I’ve written more about him here, and you can also find more
here and here.
I will miss him.
And Today!
January 2014 - Rob
and now it’s the new year!
Happy New Year!
December 2013 - Rob
Hey... it’s Christmas!
Hope you’re having a great day wherever you
are, whatever you’re doing.
See you in the New Year!
Another New Version
November 2013 - Rob
There’s a new version of FocusTrack - 2.350 -
available for download now.
This is another ‘catchup’ release,
containing lots of little fixes and tidy ups based on
my use of FocusTrack on a variety of shows (including
the new US tour of Evita and the transfer of
Sunshine Boys to LA) plus bugs that have
been reported by other people. The list of changes,
which you can find here, is quite long...
(Those same shows are also the reason that this page
has been a little quiet of late; sorry about that.
More soon!)
A New Version
March 2013 - Rob
There’s a new version of FocusTrack - 2.338 -
available for download now.
This is one of those ‘catchup’ release
that rolls in lots of new little bits and pieces that
people have been asking for. You can find the full
details of what’s new here, but my favourites:
New summary views in FocusTrack, giving a quick
overview of which lights are used in which presets,
and which presets are used in which scenes.
- It can import Eos cue timing data from the Eos log
file, making it much easier to set up cue trigger
time information for use by PowerTrack.
- FogTrack: it’s like PowerTrack, but for
figuring out how much haze or smoke you put on stage
during a performance. Useful for dealing with
American Equity. Full details of how it works to
follow shortly.
- It’ll import data from
ETC’s rather elegant new Eos Ti console (which
really just means we fixed the error checking to so
it didn’t reject ‘Ti’ as a valid
Eos console type!) I was lucky enough to get to play
with this on a show a few weeks ago; more thoughts to
- And there’s a small but useful speed bump to
Eos imports. This will follow for grandMA2 imports
March 2013 - Rob
PowerTrack, a feature
that’s been in FocusTrack for at least a
couple of years, seems to have caught
everyone’s imagination just recently -
suddenly there seem to be a lot of people
curious as to what it does and how it might help
This is perhaps because the new generation of LED
lighting fixtures suddenly seem usable in a theatre
context - ie. their fade quality is good enough,
their light quality and output is good enough and, in
the case of profile spots, there’s now an
option that looks like the traditional Source Four
and is compatible with existing Source Four
accessories (that would, of course, be the Source Four LED). But they are
expensive - and so people are wondering whether
that investment is worthwhile.
‘Worthwhile’ is, of course, a difficult
thing to judge. A colour-changing profile
front-of-house makes for a much more flexible
lighting instrument than one you have to climb the
ladder to change the gel in. And anything that uses
less power should be good from a ‘green’
point of view. Sadly, of course, in the real world
things often come down to money, so the question is:
over the life of an LED light, will it save enough
power compared to a traditional tungsten light to
cover the (often quite dramatic) extra cost of the
fixture itself.
To make an informed decision about that, you need
data - how much power your lighting is actually using
in the context of real shows. That data is often
quite hard to come by - sometimes you can meter the
dimmers, sometimes you can’t, sometimes you
sort of can - getting a reading that includes other
power used in the building. If you can’t just
meter the lighting it’s quite hard to figure
out what’s actually being used by lighting.
Even if you can meter the lighting you really need
some way of tying that back to specific moments in
the show so you can see what your biggest energy
users are.
PowerTrack gives you that kind of information. The
graph above shows the power used during one
performance of The Children’s Hour at
the Comedy Theatre in London a few years ago. This is
the show we use to demonstrate PowerTrack because we
also have real, measured figures for the
rear-of-house power of that show, which makes for an
interesting comparison.
I’ll be expanding more on this, and on another
project that has used PowerTrack to look at the power
usage across an entire season of plays, soon.
For now if you’re interested, please get in
touch to find out more - or come down to the ‘Green My
Production’ event that Julie’s Bicycle are holding
at White Light’s base in
Wimbledon, south-west London, on March 27th.
We’ll be there, hopefully see you then.
Social Event Of The Day
January 2013 - Rob
Last night, we were at the Green Lighting Social at
London’s Bush Theatre - our first visit to
the company in their new home, converted from
the old Shepherds Bush library to give a
quirkily interesting performance space.
Organised by Robin Barton from the Royal Opera House,
this is more informal get together than trade show,
and all the more fun for it: a bunch of people
showing new products, and a bunch of people looking
at them, and a lot of conversation all round. Great
We were there talking about PowerTrack, one of those
features in FocusTrack that most people probably
don’t even realise is there. Since
FocusTrack already knows about your rig (that
channel 1 is a 1000W Fresnel) and about all of
the cues in your show (that cue 1 has channel 1
on at 50%), we can calculate that cue 1 is
therefore using about 500W of power. But we can
also extend that: if you teach FocusTrack that
cue 1 comes up at 7pm and stays on stage until
7.30pm, we can also calculate that the total
consumption of that cue is 0.25kWh (since
it’s 1/2kW for 1/2 an hour).
PowerTrack extends those calculations through your
entire rig and entire show, so it can tell you the
power consumption of a particular cue or of the
entire show. As a bonus it can tell you the peak load
during the show and which cue causes that load. If
you’re planning a tour, that means you can
specify the actual mains feed you need in each venue,
rather than just making a guess based on some
fraction of your total connected load.
Because it’s a calculation it will not be as
‘precise’ as metering your mains, of
course. But metering the mains is hard to do in some
venues, and the measurements will often include
things that aren’t actually related to the
performance lighting (ice cream fridges and emergency
exist lighting being two common examples). The
production we were showing was Children’s
Hour at the Comedy Theatre a couple of years
ago. Co-incidentally, while we were using FocusTrack
on the show, Mark White was measuring the power use
for the theatre’s owner, ATG. We have his
results, and they do confirm that FocusTrack’s
calculated results and real-world measured results
are very similar.
It was rewarding to find PowerTrack causing quite a
lot of interest at the Social, both from those who
work to ‘green’ theatre (including
Julie’s Bicycle and the
Theatres Trust) and those
actually working in theatre - including the
visitors who’d come furthest to attend
event, coming in from Indiana in the USA. I
think they were here for other reasons rather
than just to attend the Social, but it makes for
a better story if we say they were just there to
come to Shepherds Bush for the evening!
If you’re using FocusTrack, you already have
PowerTrack - get to it from the Main Menu screen in
RigTrack. To do power calculations you have to teach
FocusTrack how long each cue is on stage for. To do
this, go to the Cue List Main Menu, go to Power
Totals then press Learn Cue Timing. Then every time
you hit go on your lighting desk, press return on
your computer. FocusTrack will record the time each
cue was triggered. Once you’ve done that, go to
PowerTrack inside RigTrack and press Calculate
What can you do with the resulting information?
That’s up to you, of course. One theatre is
currently carrying out an in-depth study of their
power usage as part of planning a new building;
we’ve been sworn to secrecy about this while
the work is in progress, but hopefully we can share
more once the results are known.
We were slightly distinguished last night by being
the only table not to feature some form of LED
lighting! Surrounding us were products from ETC, Strand-Selecon-Philips-Vari-Lite
(does one company really need so many names?),
GDS, Intelligent LED Solutions, as
well as an assortment of products being shown by
White Light and Stage Electrics. But showing a
definite trend, one other exhibit was a power
monitoring system using that does actually
measure the current drawn by the dimmers and
records that over time into a database, with the
ability to also listen to MIDI to recognise when
cues are triggered. This re-inforced one of the
main topics of conversation during the evening:
that talking ‘green’ is all very
well, but that the talk really needs to be
backed up by hard data, which is what has often
been missing up to now. Hopefully PowerTrack and
the other related tools will give us the means
to compile that data.
You can read more about the Social on Tim
Atkinson’s Entertaining Sustainability website,
here. There’s another
Social planned for later in the year, which
we’re already looking forward to.
There’s more information about PowerTrack
Happy New Year!
January 2013 - Rob
Welcome to 2013. Hope it’s a
good one for you...
A Big (Wet) Mass Of Cable
November 2012 - Rob
Somewhere between me posting this
and you reading this is a mass of cable that looks
like this.
It’s a miracle that any of this internet thing
ever actually works! And, in the case of these
pictures from New York, it doesn’t any
Apologies For The Silence!
October 2012 - Rob
Apologies for the radio silence,
but we’ve been a little busy working on a new
show (Finding Neverland in
Leicester), supporting a number of new FocusTrack
users, and working on a lot of things behind the
scenes on FocusTrack and SpotTrack. There’s
a new version of FocusTrack
out now that you should start using as soon as
you can - it fixes a couple of quirky import
issues with Eos, and improves the speed and
reliability of console control via onPC on
Parallels or Fusion with grandMA1. As always,
you can find more details of the changes here.
It also - we weren’t going to talk about this
until it was done, but what the hell - starts adding
support for the grandMA2, which is why you’ll
notice the big step up in version number. This work
is not finished and is very much in
‘beta’ phase; because of that it
won’t work by default on the currently released
version. However, if you want to help beta test it
just get in touch and we can
tell you what you need to know...
A Life On The Road
September 2012 - Rob
hard to capture the craziness, tedium, fun,
glorious randomness of a life in showbiz or a
life on the road in words.
It’s done incredibly well here - well worth a read whether
you’re a particular fan of Coldplay or
If the BBC Olympic Music Has Dug Into Your Brain As
Much As It Has Into Mine Over The Last Two Weeks...
August 2012 - Rob
then you might find this interesting....
How Long?
August 2012 - Rob
A good
question yesterday from a new FocusTrack user:
how long should they allow to photograph all of
the focuses in their show?
While there’s no way of giving a definitive
answer to this, since there are lots of possible
variables, what we’ve learn from experience is
that if you’re using FocusTrack to control the
console and possibly also the camera (see here for
how to do this), you can average about five
pictures per minute over a four hour session.
That average was achieved recently on both
Evita and Nice
Work If You Can Get It in New York, which we
think are currently tied for the fastest
photo-shoot using FocusTrack; in both cases it
included both the time spent moving scenery
between scenes and a morning coffee break.
That means that if you have 1000 lamp-focuses in your
show (ie. 100 lights in 10 focuses each; this is the
‘Total:’ number you see in the middle of
FocusTrack’s Main Menu screen), you could
expect to get them all photographed in about 200
minutes, or about three and a half hours.
Once you get into a run of pictures, your actual
speed will be faster than that - maybe a picture
every 7-8 seconds, or about 7 pictures a minute,
possibly even faster for conventional lights in
RIgTrack where you’re not having to wait for a
light to move to a new position each time.
The things that bring the average speed down are:
- Getting in and turning everything on to start with.
To help with this make sure everyone knows what
you’ll need (eg, ethernet and power at the
circle front or whatever position you’re using
to shoot from), and make sure you have everything
ready to go (ie. tripod, the right lens, the right
cables, camera battery charged etc). It’s
always worth making sure your laptop and FocusTrack
can talk to the console properly the day before a
photo session, just to be sure. Also, scope out the
best location for taking pictures from in advance -
part of the reason you can get things done so quickly
with FocusTrack is that it lets you just get on
rather than having to stop and think between each
picture, and that should start the moment you walk in
for a focus photo session.
- Setting up scenery then moving it around - things
go much quicker with single-set shows! To help with
this, try to arrange the order you take pictures to
minimise the number of times you have to change the
set-up on stage - ie. if the same set is used in act
1 then in act 2, sort the records in FocusTrack so
that you’re taking all of the pictures relating
to that set in one go. FocusTrack can help work out
which focuses relate to which scenery if you add
information about scenic setups to the FocusTrack Cue
List; more about that here.
- How fast your moving lights are - ie. a VL6 gets to
the next position much faster than an ETC Revolution.
Remember to wait not just for the light to get into
position but for all of the other settings - zoom,
focus, gobo, frost - to finish adjusting themselves
before taking the picture.
- If you’re having a person stand in each light
for each photo - a very useful thing to do - how long
it takes them to move to the next position. If you
want to minimise the amount of time they spend moving
between lights, try sorting by Pan/Tilt or by
Tilt/Pan (under Special Sorting) before starting a
photo session; this tries to arrange the lights in
pan/tilt order, hopefully minimising the amount of
movement between pictures.
- Unexpected things, like lights breaking. If a light
doesn’t work, it’s usually better to skip
it and move on than to hold everything up trying to
fix it. If you’re using FocusTrack’s
Photo Loop, it checks off lamp-focuses as you
photograph them, making it easy to find things you
skipped over later on.
- Coffee breaks; make sure everyone’s back
promptly and that you’re ready to go when they
- If you’re using FocusTrack to trigger your
camera: some cameras try to upload each picture to
your computer as it is taken. This can slow things
down as you have to wait for that process to complete
before taking the next picture. I turn that option
off if possible; time in the theatre for a focus
photo shoot is precious, but there will always be
time later to upload images.
- And, as with everything, practice makes perfect:
allow a bit more time if you’re doing this for
the first time.
All that done, you should be able to speed through a
focus session much more efficiently when using
FocusTrack. In fact, one of the nicest compliments
we’ve ever received came at the end of the
Evita focus plot session, where we ended up
being given just three hours to focus plot quite a
complex show and we got it done in time. The
production carpenter said something like,
“I’m impressed, that’s the most
organised I’ve ever seen that; normally it just
drags on forever!” Very proud!
There’s more about the whole process of
importing a show then photographing focuses here.
Beware The Cloud
August 2012 - Rob
If you have accounts with Apple,
Amazon or Google, if you use iCloud or another cloud
service, if you have any kind of software that allows
remote deletion of your electronic devices, indeed
pretty much if you use any computer service that
involves passwords, it would be well worth your while
taking a few minutes to read this article, about Wired
journalist Mat Honan and how his ‘digital
life’ was destroyed in just a few minutes
by hackers who just seemed to be out to cause
It will make you scared. It will make you paranoid.
Hopefully it will make you take a few minutes to
think about how things are set up in your digital
life, and perhaps take steps to make it more secure.
It might also make you consider the risks posed by
decisions made by big companies that should have the
time and talent to know better - in this case the
biggest security flaw seemed to be that Apple will
accept the last four digits of a credit card number
as proof of identity, while Amazon displays those
same last four digits to show which credit card
you’re using (or, at least, they did: both seem
to be changing the way they deal with this today).
In particular, it should serve as yet another
reminder that backups are crucial. They are so
crucial that they deserve to have a lot of care and
thought put into them. I’ve walked so many
people through the considerations of a good backup
scheme that I’m about to write it down and
share it with everyone. In the meantime, Mat’s
article provides a timely reminder of not only why
backups are crucial, but also that online services
such as iCloud, which promise to look after our data
for us, should not be our only backup, since
ultimately we have no control over them.
You have been warned...
Another New SpotTrack Version Online Now
August 2012 - Rob
you’re familiar with SpotTrack, our tool for making
followspot cuesheets, you might recognise that
there’s something wrong with the
screengrab above.
Or maybe let’s not say ‘wrong’,
rather just ‘different‘. Or even
‘new and improved!’
Until now, SpotTrack has always presented spots in
the order 1-2-3-4.
When the new US tour of Book of Mormon
became the third show to ask to change that, it
became clear it was probably time to let people
arrange their spots however they want. The new
version of SpotTrack, v1.36, released today, lets you
do just that.
Though English speakers usually read and number
things left to right, theatre lighting - for reasons
lost in the mysts of time (and I’m always happy
to hear suggestions as to why!) has traditionally
numbered lights in the other direction. Or, with
followspots, there might be a different scheme
altogether - maybe spots 1 and 2 in a centre booth,
spots 3 and 4 on side stage positions.
Regardless of why, it makes sense to let the order
you see things on screen and on paper match the
physical layout of the spots in the building. This
helps with what I always think of as
‘Leone’s Rule’, after the lovely
Broadway lighting associate Vivien Leone, who is very
clear that lighting paperwork should involve as
little ‘mental re-mapping’ as possible (-
the example she usually quotes is about not printing
one page landscape, the next portrait to avoid having
to constantly rotate sheets of paper. I think of it
as minimising the differences between what you see
and what the rig is; you’ll now find people
increasingly number their lighting rigs left-to-right
so that the order of channels on screen matches the
order of channels in the rig, for example).
In the new version of SpotTrack, if you go to the
‘About SpotTrack’ screen, you’ll
now find that you can customise what each spot is
called (so you could reverse it to 4-3-2-1, or move
it to 1-3-4-2, or even make it 6-7-8-9 if you
wanted), and also re-arrange the keyboard shortcuts
to suit the new spot layout.
Give it a go. It’s possible we’ve missed
some quirk of operation in making this work - if so,
do please let us know.
Little Show In London
July 2012 - Rob
Good job, team Olympic Lighting.
Good job.
(And good job everyone else involved, too! It was
New SpotTrack Version Online Now
July 2012 - Rob
a new version of SpotTrack, our followspot
cuesheet tool, available for download now from
the SpotTrack website.
No major changes; just some bug fixes related to
printing that the lovely people on the Sister Act UK tour noticed, and a
new US-Legal four-spot master calling sheet that
was added during Evita in New York.
As always, it’s worth moving to this version if
you are currently using SpotTrack on a show.
And if you’re not, why not give it a go?
It’ll run in demo mode to let you play. And if
you buy it, you get to choose which of two fine
lighting charities it supports.
Love The Internet Because...
June 2012 - Rob
brings you to things like this, which sort of defy
Levitating Slinky
Mac Day!
June 2012 - Rob
World Wide Developer Conference (WWDC) started
today. As part of that, they announced a number
of new Macs...
As you may or may not have gathered, I’m a Mac
fan. I’ve been using their machines since about
1990, through good times, lean times, near
bankruptcies, then the company’s recent
triumphant revival. This isn’t because
I’m a ‘fanboy’, but rather because
their machines have always just seemed to work,
letting me get on with what I need to do rather than
worry about making the computer work properly first.
Of course, they sometimes freak out and need care and
nurturing, but it feels like I spent a lot less time
doing this than others I know who use Windows.
FocusTrack also benefits from the great tools that
Apple provides as part of their core operating
system, which is why things like FocusTrack’s
console control and camera triggering are Mac-only.
WWDC is where developers go to learn about
Apple’s new technologies in OS X and iOS. But
the company also uses the start of the week to
announce new hardware...
The one that’s got me drooling is the MacBook
Pro with Retina display. On a practical level, I
don’t really need a new Mac right now. But I
want one of these...
The most obvious highlight is the screen. This
follows on from the approach Apple have taken with
the iPad 3: it is a massively high resolution
display, but rather than doing what everyone else has
done with high-res displays (cramming as much
information in as possible, with the result that on a
physically small screen everything just becomes
really tiny), Apple use the extra dots to smooth out
everything you see. If it’s like the iPad 3, it
will become almost like looking at paper rather than
a screen - ‘retina’ supposedly meaning
that at normal viewing distance you can’t make
out the individual dots on the screen. With the iPad,
it was one of those things that you didn’t
really appreciate it at first glance - it only became
clear when you switched back to an older iPad and
realised just how ‘bad’ its display
suddenly seemed to be.
To have that on a laptop is hugely intriguing and I
can’t wait to try it out. Which will be as soon
as the new Mac makes it into my nearest Apple store,
and I get out of this weeks’ tech!
There are other interesting things. As expected, the
new Mac abandons ‘spinning’ hard drives
in favour of solid-state storage (SSD). If you
haven’t tried a machine equipped with one of
these, you should. The effect is truly stunning,
since it stands everything you think you know about
computer speed (ie. that more GHz = faster working)
on its head. Apple have had this kind of storage in
the MacBook Air for a while, and its why that machine
can boot up from cold in just a few seconds, wakes
from sleep almost instantaneously, and runs
applications in a fraction of the time it takes
normal laptops to get them going.
The downside is that it’s much more expensive
than traditional hard drives, particularly if you
need a lot of storage space - which you might if your
laptop is your only machine, you want all of your
files with you and you don’t want to get into
the management of what’s where on external
storage devices. It sounds silly, but every single
time I’ve ‘off-loaded’ files I
haven’t touched for ages onto an external hard
drive to free up space on my laptop, I’ve
almost immediately needed the file when away from
home. Having everything with you is comforting, but
you need a lot of space particularly as things like
photograph files just get bigger and bigger as we
moved to cameras with higher and higher resolutions
(and, of course, particularly if you’re taking
lots of photographs to document show lighting...)
On-line storage - things like Dropbox - is touted as a solution
for this, the files floating in the cloud until
you need them. But that model also breaks down
slightly when you’re dealing with really
massive files (again, like lots and lots of
focus photographs) and/or less-than-brilliant
internet connections. Especially - and this
often gets overlooked - because of the ADSL
connections people often have at home. The
“A” in ADSL stands for asymmetric -
the connections are deliberately designed to
upload much more slowly than they download,
which can mean getting those big files into the
cloud in the first place is a real pain. And
that’s even before you get to working deep
in a dark theatre where the internet connection
is sporadic or even non-existant.
Apple have never been afraid of looking toward the
future, and that’s clearly what they’re
doing here, though. And the speed advantage is
certainly compelling enough to let you just deal with
this until internet connectivity gets fast enough to
keep up.
They’re doing the same thing by not having any
kind of CD/DVD optical drive in the machine - which
is what allows it to be so thin. I have slightly
mixed feelings about this. My traditional workflow in
FocusTrack has been to do all the work, complete the
FocusTrack with all of the information and
photographs, then to burn that onto a CD (for a small
show) or DVD (for a big show) to leave with the crew
in the theatre. They’ll probably copy that
information back onto their laptop so FocusTrack can
run more quickly, but it means that there is a real,
physical, undamagable version of FocusTrack sitting
in the theatre somewhere that they can always get
back to, however badly things go wrong (files deleted
by accident, coffee spilt on laptop or whatever). (As
a bonus, I have a line of matching DVDs on my shefl
at home, the modern-day version of the old shelf full
of show binders).
To make that, DVD I use the DVD burner in my MacBook
Pro. I don’t use it very often, but I’m
glad it’s right there when I do need it. I
think I’d miss it in the new MacBook.
On the other hand, just last night someone sent me
some show photos on DVD, which I had to sort through
and extract to email to someone. I didn’t just
want to copy the files to my laptop (it’s a bit
full), but the process of viewing them from the DVD
was frustratingly slow, and made me want to turn to
the future. Except, of course, even if I’d
bought my shiny new Mac without a built-in drive,
I’d still have been sent the photos on DVD.
Which means that if I bought one of these new
MacBooks, I’d have to buy the external DVD
drive Apple make for it; I guess the Apple-cynic
might just say this is Apple’s way of charging
you more for a laptop...
I think in the future the answer may be moving to USB
memory stick to hold the ‘final’ versions
of FocusTrack, with 16Gb sticks now available for
less than £10 (for comparison, the Evita
FocusTrack is about 3.5Gb, including the FocusTrack
data and application, 1427 focus photos and 378 cue
photos, these all at medium resolution . It would
just be nice to have a way of absolutely locking the
One last omission from the new hardware, which I
overlooked at first: there is no physical ethernet
connection, the laptop intended to connect
wirelessly. For all the hype about wireless, and its
convenience, can it really just be me that prefers a
physical, wired connection where possible? It is
always faster, and always more reliable. Plus there
are some things in our world that just don’t
work wirelessly - connection from client software to
either the Eos or grandMA consoles, to name just two.
There will be the inevitable adaptor, this time from
Apple’s new Thunderbolt connector to Ethernet,
but that’s just another thing to remember to
put in the bag...
Apple are still offering speed-bumped versions of
their existing MacBook Pros, which still have a real
ethernet connection, a real DVD burner and a real
hard drive - and are also considerably cheaper. Yet
still it’s the new one I want, for all its
technological advances but also just because it
weighs less... I guess that combination of progress
and refinement is why Apple is flying so high today.
Plus, as others have pointed out, the new
MacBook is clearly a pointer to the future, just
as the original MacBook Air was, and all of its
features will doubtless became available in more
affordable machines as time goes by.
(One more thing: for those of you who spend your time
fighting with the noise of fans in lighting
equipment, take a look at the MacBook Pro video, particularly
the section talking about how Apple have dealt
with exactly this issue...)
A New Face At FocusTrack
June 2012 - Rob
the same trip to New York, we finally formalised
something that’s been kicking around for
ages. You’ll see an ‘official’
announcement about this soon, but I’m
pleased to announce that the lovely Kevin Barry
will now be FocusTrack’s
‘minder’ in America, particularly in
and around Broadway. Though I’m sure
we’ll invent a better job title for him
before the press release goes out...
This isn’t really new news. Kevin has been
using FocusTrack since Mary Poppins in 2006,
one of FocusTrack’s first outings. He seemed to
quite like it, and has been a great advocate ever
since. He’s been using it on the shows
he’s worked on as head electrician since
(including Billy Elliot - you can see him on
a video about the show here - and now Evita). He’s
already been supplying support to others
who’ve used the show in New York -
it’s been great having someone in the right
time zone when people have questions or issues.
For those who don’t know him, Kevin is a great
person - one of those fantastic ‘can do,
nothing is a problem’ people - who looks after
some of the biggest shows in New York. He’s
also one of those people who likes solving problems.
His current pre-occupation is getting the console to
trigger FocusTrack so that it can follow along as he
runs a show, so FocusTrack’s focus information
is automatically showing him the right information
for the cue he’s in. I think he’s very
close to getting this working, so hopefully more
(If you’ve looked at any of the trade press
lately, you may also have seen Kevin gracing the ads
for the ETCP programme. He’s
very photogenic...)
Broadway Lighting Master Class
May 2012 - Rob
I was
very pleased to be given the chance to talk
about FocusTrack at the Broadway Lighting Master Class in
New York, organised by the lovely people at
Live Design magazine. I’ve
been going to the BLMC on-and-off for a long
time now - since 1999, maybe? It’s always
felt like a great couple of days because it
concentrates on the ‘art’ of
lighting, with the technology taking a definite
back seat compared to the various trade shows.
Hearing Jules Fisher speak is worth the price of
admission alone - it always reminds me why I got
into lighting in the first place, and of the
power of what we do to affect a show and an
audience. The other talks are also interesting,
particularly Beverly Emmons and Clifton
Taylors’ colour talk - all stuff we sort
of know, but rarely get the chance to actually
see in action outside of the high-pressure
environment of a tech (sidenote: if you
haven’t visited Beverly’s Lighting Archive site, you must).
I think the talks about the featured show were
also great, but since the show was
Evita and I was part of the panels
alongside lighting designer Neil Austin, I might be a little
Some technology does feature: there is a
manufacturer’s showcase during the lunch break,
but even that is made more enjoyable by getting given
Because the venue this year was smaller than in
previous years, talks ran simultaneously with the
showcase to split people up into smaller groups over
lunch. On the first day, Kevin Lee Allen spoke about using
VectorWorks. On the second day I ran two
sessions walking people through FocusTrack, what
it can do and how it can be helpful on shows. I
always forget how much easier FocusTrack is to
understand when you see it rather than when you
read about it. We’re now planning some
walk-through videos for this website so that
everyone can get a chance to see FocusTrack for
themselves even before downloading it - stay
tuned for these.
That said, we seem to have piqued people’s
interest, judging by the number of downloads of FocusTrack
(and also SpotTrack, which I
didn’t actually speak about) in the days
after the talk. Hopefully everyone is liking
what they’re seeing...
(Thanks to Live Design magazine for
the photo; see more from the BLMC here)
A New Version
May 2012 - Rob
There’s a new version of
FocusTrack available for download now - 2.223.
It’s available as either an empty download or
with our little demo show - extracts from the British
tour of Equus - pre-loaded to give you
something to experiment with.
This update is mainly bug fixes, of the kind that
always happen when I get to use FocusTrack on a show
of my own (mainly Evita in New York
in this case). Sometimes this is things that annoy
me; I’m sure they annoy others too but maybe
not enough to complain about. We’ve tidied a
few of those up. The show also revealed a few
things that have somehow got broken; hopefully
those are now fixed too. As always, you can find a
list of changes in the ‘About’ screen
in FocusTrack, or on the website here.
May 2012 - Rob
I’ve come to realise that there are all kinds
of bits of information about FocusTrack (and things
relating to FocusTrack, like computers or cameras)
that people hear from me in person, but which
don’t fit into any of the categories on this
website - they’re not really news, not really
tips, not really information about something
FocusTrack can do. Hence ‘Making Tracks’,
a repository for all that kind of stuff. You may find
some, all or none of it useful...