RigTrack -
All About Your Rig
RigTrack is FocusTrack’s rig management module.
It’s where you can tell FocusTrack everything
about your lighting rig - that channel 1 is a VL3000
on the first electric with gobo load A, that channel
101 is a 750W Source Four with a scroller and top
You can give RigTrack this information by hand, or
you can import it from other sources - from
Lightwright, from Vectorworks Spotlight or, of
course, from the console itself. You can even combine
sources, bringing in rig information from Lightwright
but the patch from the console, ensuring that the
patch you have written down precisely matches the
patch that’s in the desk.
Where RigTrack takes a step beyond other rig database
software is that, when you import the showfile into
FocusTrack, it knows about what’s actually used
in the show. Lights that never come on are shown in
red, making it incredibly easy to see the parts of
your rig that you can take down. The Usage screen
gives you an easy overview of how each light gets
used - a tracksheet of its intensity, a list of the
colours, gobos and positions its actually used in. It
can even flag up differences between the console
patch and patch data imported from other sources.
And, using FocusTrack’s PowerTrack function, can
calculate how much power your lighting uses.
Plus, just as FocusTrack can do with moving lights,
RigTrack can control your console and your digital
camera to take pictures of each light, giving you a
precise record of exactly how each light was used -
perfect for maintaining or recreating the show.
RigTrack: the perfect place to store all of the
information about your rig. Included as standard with